What You Need to Know About Automatic Pool Cleaners

One revolutionary pool maintenance products in the market today are the automatic pool cleaners. It can save you precious time and money with its fast clean up of your swimming pool. In choosing which brand to order, you have to be aware of the types of automatic cleaners out there. You should look for suppliers who offer one-day sale with free shipping. If you are a do-it-yourself enthusiast with an in ground pool, you will love having an automatic cleaner to clean your pool faster and better.

One choice you may consider is the Automatic Pressure-Side Cleaners. They run by water pressure from a dedicated booster pump and main pump. If you notice lots of debris and leaves in your pool, this is the type of pool cleaner for you. It is a bit more expensive than a cleaner using a non-dedicated pump but its efficiency is a lot better. However, its downside is it does not filter the much finer particles and not very effective in wall scrubbing.One of the more affordable automatic pressure-side pool cleaners for in-ground pools is Polaris 165. It is very easy to install and can clean pools in less than 3 hours. This cleaner can pick up debris with its trailing mesh bag prior to clogging pumps and filters. It is a supersaver and costs below $300.

Another choice is the suction type cleaner which does not have a debris bag. It can suck very fine particles to your pump basket and through your filter. It is also effective in scrubbing walls. It does not need any additional pump and is less expensive than the other cleaners. It is ideal if the debris you find in your pool is not the tree leaves. With this type of pool cleaner, you will need a clean filter to make it perform efficiently. One outstanding brand is the Hayward Vac Ultra which is easy to install and to use. It includes inline vacuum gauge for setting proper suction levels, 40-foot hose and all connections. This cleaner costs around $400 to $500+.

What about the robotic pool cleaners? They are most effective when you have fine debris in your pool. It is efficient in cleaning tile lines, improving water circulation and scrubbing walls. They are high end products with price of around $700 to $2,000 plus. The cleaner is run by separate pump inside the unit and electric motor. It has technologically advanced features like a self monitoring diagnostic system to detect problems. You can also monitor and operate it with a remote control.

Among the top robotic cleaners in the market are the Polaris 900Sport Premium, Hayward Phantom Turbo, Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage, Aquavac Tiger Shark, Nitro Wall Climber, Dirt Devil Rumpage and Aquabot Turbo T4RC. Let us highlight the key features of Aquabot Turbo T4RC and Aquavac Tiger Shark in this article.

The Aquabot Turbo T4RC, a robotic pool cleaner which claims to be the best one because it is the most effective and powerful cleaner on the market. It cleans in one hour only a pool up to 50′ long whatever the shape is. It is maneuvered by a remote control with no hose and no filter connection. It has a reusable filter, power washing jets, filtration and water circulation system with a quad brush system. This product has excellent reviews and can be considered a worthwhile option.

Another top brand of robotic pool cleaner is the AquaVac Tigershark QC that can clean a pool in one hour. It has a patented Quick Clean technology. With this cleaner, you can just put it in the pool and choose either the regular cleaning process or the Quick clean Cycle.

For your best choice of automatic pool cleaners that can climb walls, maneuver around the stairs and ladders, can vacuum your dirt, bacteria and algae, clean the pool surface, filter water and has shut off automatic features, the robotic cleaner is for you. Aside from being able to clean your pool swiftly, it does not stuck and can automatically change directions. You should look for a model with a reusable filter, a split-roller brush and own pump with a remote control. Proper maintenance can prevent costly repairs. This cleaner is a smart investment and can save you a lot of money from chemical costs and fuel bills. Of course, your choice depends on other important factors such as your budget and size of your pool!

My name is Jan Soriano and I am an expert in above ground pool filters. Please visit my site at http://www.abovegroundpool-filters.com to find reviews of different models and manufacturers of above ground pool filters.

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